Thank you all for your suggestions.... There are a few things that I wanted to mention, and got sidetracked....
1. At the end of the conversation when she said I can call her.... I stated to her that "I won't be calling so don't expect the phone to ring".
2. The reason that my father is calling is (and I base this on what I've witnessed in their relationship most of my life) because my mother is trying to make every one she has told i.e: my holier than thou JW sister and trash of the earth worldly sister in law and the countless JW "friends", believe that SHE is the victim here, by using my father as the "spokesperson".... so that when I refuse talking to him, that all of her allies will view me a hateful.... This is just based on the history of situations w/ my older sister (inactive) and older brother (df'ed) and their children.
3. It really burns me up that they want to try to have a relationship with my child, yet I am their child and they want NOTHING to do with me. That makes me wonder if when my child is old enough, will they treat her the same way if she makes her OWN choices???
It's not that I just want to hurt them b/c I'm angry about the past, it's more a matter of I DO NOT want my child to grow up with the same assumption that I did, that is that they KNOW and have UNCONDITIONAL love for us... when in fact they don't even understand the meaning of the word. I WILL NEVER have unconditional love for my child... who is a part of me. I also do not want her to have the same issues w/ lack of self confidence that I and my siblings have because of our parents who always made us feel "not good enough", and that we would NEVER live up to JW standards....
I'm just so pulled... At times I will hear my little one in her room playing with her little pink cell phone, saying " Hi Nana, Hi Pops, when are you coming to get me".... and I cry EVERY time. I don't know how to explain to a 3 yr old that I feel that her grandparents are a negative influence in her life??? Besides that I'm afraid to leave her with my parents because they couldn't or wouldn't protect me or my brother from sexual abuse at the hands of "friends" and we are THEIR children.
Any other suggestions, besides just not responding, and putting it off... cuz that's what I'm leaning towards....
Edited b/c I'm scatterbrained today!! :)
Edited by - Worldly Girl on 22 August 2002 14:12:58